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London Vauxhall Tuneless Choir launched into song on the evening of Wednesday 10th January 2018.
The aim of all Tuneless Choirs is to allow people to enjoy group singing without the need to worry about what they sound like.
You are encouraged to “sing like no one is listening”, which anyone who has ever been told to stop singing is sure to find incredibly liberating! Join in and get those feel-good endorphins flowing.
The choir has been set up by Talibah Rivers, herself an accomplished vocalist with a passion for jazz, but with a belief that singing should be for everyone.
During 2018 they appeared at Lambeth Country Show and St Thomas’ Hospital for Breathe Arts Charity conducting interactive workshops and encouraging the audience to join in.
The choir meets at the delightful Tea House Theatre at 139 Vauxhall Walk, Vauxhall, London SE11 5HL, close to Vauxhall station.
They sing twice month, from 8pm to 9.30pm, and you’re welcome to join in anytime – it doesn’t have to be at the start of a term.
For more details about the choir, you can email londonvauxhall@tunelesschoir.com or call Talibah on 07752 522 636