Eduardo Navarro had spent months planning his latest work, (breathspace); an exploration of breath aiming to pull humans towards collective and oceanic breathing, having no idea that the central pillar of his work, the capability of humans to breathe, was to become so globally significant by the time that his exhibition was finally able to be seen in person.
Navarro’s original plans for the exhibition at Gasworks had consisted of transforming the gallery’s architecture into a living, breathing organism: a large-scale artificial lung that would inhale and exhale air from the street. The perspective of breath by those inhaling the exhibition will be far different to anything that he could have conceived in its conception.
It is this element that Navarro looked to draw upon during the lockdown, spending each day creating a new drawing in his home within Argentina. His visions were to act as a portal, connecting dimensions, past and future visions, unrealised and perhaps unrealisable ideas. Now, the drawings will be displayed at Gasworks as a realisation of the new world that has been entered, a sign of what could not be but instead what now exists. Now, his unpretentious drawings metabolise the original breathing installation, enacting its transformative spirit in a more intimate language.
Navarro has had solo exhibitions around the world, including the beautiful MALMA in his hometown of Buenos Aires. The exhibition is free to enter but online booking is mandatory, opening on September 21st.